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Eradicate Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Fort Worth

 Eradicate Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Fort Worth | Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), also known as cot loss of life or crib loss of life, is the sudden of inscribed death of a child less than one year of age. Diagnosis requires that the death remains unexplained although a thorough autopsy and completed death scene investigation. SIDS usually occurs during sleep. Usually death occurs during the hours of 00:00 and 09:00. There is often no proof of struggle and no noise produced.
The specific cause of SIDS is unknown. The requirement of a combination of factors including a specific underlying susceptibility, an exact time in development, and an environmental stressors has been proposed. These environmental stressors might including sleep on the stomach or side, overheating, and exposure to tobacco smoke.
Accidental suffocation from bed sharing (also called as co-sleeping) or tender objects might become a factors. Another risk factor is born earlier before 39 weeks of gestation. SIDS makes up about 80percent of Sudden and Unexpected Infant Deaths / SUID. Other different causes include infections, genetic disorders, and heart problems.

Understanding The Risk of SIDS.

Positioning an infant to sleep while lying on the stomach or the side, increases the risk. This increased risk is biggest at two to three months of age. Elevated or reduced room temperature also increases the risk, as does excessive bedding, clothing, soft sleep surfaces, and stuffed animals.
Bumper pads might enhance the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome due to the risk of suffocation. They are not recommends for kid under 1th years of age as this risk of suffocation drastically outweighs the risk of head bumping or limbs getting stuck in the bars of the crib.
Sharing a mattress with parents or siblings increases the risk for SIDS. This risk is greatest within the first three months of life, when the mattress is soft, when one or more persons share the infant’s bed, especially when the bed partners are using drugs or alcohol or smoking. The risk remains, however, even in parents who do not using smoke and drugs.
The American Academy of Pediatrics highly recommends “room sharing but no mattress sharing”, stating that such an association can decrease the risk of SIDS by up to 50 percent. Moreover, The Academy recommended against devices marketed to make safe bed sharing, such as in-bed co-sleepers. The infant really does need our surveillance, but, Can we do it at any time? Here’s the factors you must care about.

Sleep Positioning and Bedding Equipment Usage.

Sleeping on the back has been discovered to reduce the risk of SIDS. Sleeping on the back does not seem to increase the risk of choking, even in those with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. While babies in this position, they could sleep extra comfy and lightly. Using the same room as one’s parents but in a distinct mattress, may decrease the risk by half.
It’s great if we place the baby to lay down on our side but in different bed, so when placing a breastfeeding would be more simpler and you can rapidly wake up when it feels the time is come.
Product safety consultants advise towards using overly soft mattresses, sleep positioner, bumper pads (crib bumpers), stuffed animals, or fluffy bedding in the crib. They also suggest an alternative of dressing the baby warmly and keeping the crib “naked”. Blankets or other outfit should not positioned over a baby’s head. The FDA and the Consumer Product Safety Commission, issued a warning about their baby accessories usage because they are hazardous.
The advice of Dr. Rachel Moon at the National Medical Children’s Center in Washington DC United States. If you wants your infants to be more safer, do not let the infant sleep in the crib at night, Because we do not know what is going on if he sleeps alone such a youngest age. So, Eradicate Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Fort Worth, Your city.
Eradicate Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Fort Worth
sleeping in back position

SIDS Prevention

The most effective way of reducing the risk of SIDS is:
  • Placing a baby lower than 12 month old on their back when lay down.
  • Other measures include a firm mattress separate from but close to caregivers,
  • No loose mattresses
  • A relatively cool sleeping environment
  • Use a pacifier,
  • Avoiding exposure to tobacco smoke.


If the baby is expose to the first of this syndrome, The countermeasure is give him/her a breast milk for respiration till return to normal condition. Some people assume that breast milk might protect infants from infections that might raise their SIDS risk.
Don’t drink alcohol if you give a breastfeed, because that raises your kid’s risk of SIDS. In addition, the simple touch is useful. Skin-to-skin interaction is important for your baby’s development.
Eradicate Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Fort Worth


Immunization may also be preventive. We can cut the risks with immunization, after the SIDS process is passes. Putting your baby to sleep with a pacifier, may also help prevent SIDS. Evidence says babies who has been get immunization, have a 50 % decreasing risk of SIDS compare to babies who aren’t fully immunized. This were in accordance with suggestion from the American Academy of Pediatrics

Pillow Usage on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Prevention

For prevention to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), We should lay the infants on a back position with No Pillow At All!. Although a pillow can prevent the infant to move sideways to the stomach position rapidly and prevent choking while sleeping.
Using a pillow might causing them become trapped below it or wedged towards it, then the infant will unable to breathe.
To reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Kids should sleep flat on their back, in a clear cot with no blankets, pillows, or toys. When they’re growing older than 12 month old, You may start to begin introduce them to a pillow.

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